Ice Bag Wrap

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Ice Bag Wrap

Cooling therapy
This soft, adjustable ice bag wrap is ideal for applying cold therapy to small or large body parts.
Ice Bag Wrap
  • Comfort and adjustability
  • Customizable compression
  • Leak-free technology

The Mueller Ice Bag Wrap offers versatile cold therapy for various body parts, both small and large. Its soft and adjustable design makes it an ideal choice for those seeking relief from injuries or discomfort. The long straps ensure a custom fit, delivering firm and comfortable compression for effective cold therapy.

Designed with convenience in mind, the ice bag features a high-tech liner that eliminates the hassle of drips or leaks. This innovation enhances the overall user experience, providing a mess-free application of cold therapy. Whether addressing minor injuries or targeting specific areas for relief, the Mueller Ice Bag Wrap combines comfort, adjustability, and leak-free technology to make cold therapy a seamless and effective part of your recovery routine.

Mueller - Ice Bag Wrap


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