Cor Performance Beta-Alanine Powder

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Cor Performance Beta-Alanine Powder

Increase your endurance
Unlock your true potential with a game-changing amino acid supplement that will elevate your workout experience.
Cor Performance Beta-Alanine Powder
  • Boosts endurance
  • Delays muscle fatigue
  • Supports muscle growth

First and foremost, beta-alanine is a game-changer for boosting endurance. When consumed, it combines with another amino acid, histidine, to form carnosine. Carnosine is a key player in buffering lactic acid buildup during intense exercise, which means you can push your limits harder and longer without experiencing that painful burn. Whether you're sprinting, lifting weights, or doing high-intensity interval training, beta-alanine can help delay muscle fatigue, allowing you to squeeze out those extra reps or run that extra mile.

Additionally, beta-alanine improves muscle growth. By increasing endurance, it indirectly supports muscle development. When you can train with higher intensity and volume, you stimulate muscle fibers more effectively. Over time, this can lead to greater muscle hypertrophy and strength gains. It's a win-win situation for those seeking to build a lean, muscular physique.

Cellucor - Cor Performance Beta-Alanine Powder


Take 1 daily serving which is 1 scoop mixed with 150 - 200 ml water or other beverage.

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1 Serving Size: 1 Scoop (3.3 g)
Amount Per1 serving%DV*
CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine3.2 g**
* Percentage of Daily Value per one full serving.
** Daily Value is not established.
Ingredients / Other Ingredients: CarnoSyn Beta Alanine.
Allergens / Warnings: May contain milk and gluten.


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