Groove Standard FC Borussia Dortmund

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Groove Standard FC Borussia Dortmund

Stay flexible
An average hardness structured surface foam roller, that will provide new stimuli and stronger massage & vibration effect.
Groove Standard FC Borussia Dortmund
  • Supports blood circulation
  • Has wide spectrum of applications
  • Stimulates connective tissues and muscles

The GROOVE STANDARD has the same density level as the STANDARD, so it addresses a wide spectrum of applications. During fast rolling, the additional grooves on the surface cause a slight vibration effect, providing additional support for blood circulation of the tissues while warming up and stimulating the receptors in the connective tissues and muscles.

The GROOVE STANDARD is particularly useful in performance sports. The ridges provide a deeper massage that can target a specific area to help sooth muscles.

Blackroll - Groove Standard FC Borussia Dortmund


Recyclable Material
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