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Trigger Set

Vairāk skatu

Trigger Set

Relieve muscle tension
Relieve muscle tension and pain with a portable, ergonomic toolset that mimics a therapist’s touch for deep tissue relief.
Trigger Set
  • Targeted pain relief
  • Deep tissue relaxation
  • Portable and durable

The TRIGGER BOX is an effective solution for relieving pain points and muscle tension. With two versatile trigger attachments, this toolset allows for targeted treatment of hard-to-reach areas like the back, calves, and buttocks. Used with or without the ergonomic HANDHELD handle, the attachments replicate the pressure of a physiotherapist’s thumb, promoting deep tissue relief and enhanced mobility.

The lightweight, compact design ensures easy portability, making it ideal for travel. The shearing method feature further enhances treatment by stimulating fascia, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation.

The TRIGGER BOX, produced in Germany, is made from high-quality, durable, and 100% recyclable materials. It effectively targets myofascial adhesions and trigger points, supporting a holistic approach to recovery.

Blackroll - Trigger Set



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