Creatine Monohydrate Tablets

Daugiau peržiūrų

Creatine Monohydrate Tablets

Strength & performance
Creatine enhances strength, boosts muscle mass, and improves exercise performance by increasing energy production in muscle cells.
Creatine Monohydrate Tablets
  • Boosts strength and performance
  • Supports muscle recovery
  • Increases lean muscle mass

Creatine monohydrate tablets offer a convenient way to boost strength and performance. As one of the most researched supplements, creatine helps increase energy production in muscle cells, allowing for improved power output during high-intensity workouts.

These tablets support faster recovery between sets and reduce muscle fatigue, enabling you to push harder during training sessions. They are perfect for those who want consistent and efficient dosing without the need to mix powders.

With regular use, creatine monohydrate helps increase lean muscle mass, support muscle recovery, and improve overall athletic performance, making it a go-to supplement for those looking to maximize their results.

MyProtein - Creatine Monohydrate Tablets

Naudojimo būdas

Take 3 tablets immediately pre- or post-workout.

Papildoma informacija:

Laikykite vėsioje, sausoje vietoje. Neviršykite rekomenduojamos paros dozės. Maisto papildo nevartokite kaip įvairios ir subalansuotos dietos maisto pakaitalo. Saugokite nuo mažų vaikų.

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Užduokite klausimą

2004 m. įkurtas Myprotein yra Europoje pirmaujantis sporto mitybos prekės ženklas, siūlantis visiems prieinamų kokybiškų produktų asortimentą, tai geriausia sporto mityba, kad ir koks būtų jūsų tikslas.

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