Vital Support

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Vital Support

Daily health support
Boosts energy, enhances mental clarity, supports immune health, and promotes overall well-being.
Vital Support
  • Boosts immune system
  • Supports detoxification
  • Enhances liver health

The Vital Support supplement combines the potent benefits of Astragalus, N Acetyl Cysteine, IP6, TUDCA, and Pine Bark Extract to provide comprehensive health support. Astragalus is known for its immune-boosting properties, helping to strengthen the body's natural defenses and promote overall vitality.

N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) supports detoxification and liver health, while IP6 aids in cellular health and enhances the immune system. These ingredients work together to cleanse the body and support optimal organ function.

TUDCA and Pine Bark Extract further enhance this formula by promoting liver health and providing powerful antioxidants. This combination helps reduce inflammation, supports cardiovascular health, and improves overall well-being.

Trained By JP - Vital Support


Take 8 capsules daily. Take 4 upon waking and 4 before bed.


Hoiustada jahedas kuivas kohas. Ärge ületage soovituslikku päevast annust.Ärge kasutage vaheldusrikka ja tasakaalustatud toitumise asemel. Hoidke väikelastele kättesaamatus kohas.

Ehkki teeme kõik endast oleneva, et tagada tooteteabe ajakohasus, lugege alati tootega kaasasolevaid silte, hoiatusi ja juhiseid. Kui kahtlete, võtke meiega ühendust või kontrollige tootja veebileht toote kohta lisateabe saamiseks.


Toitumise faktid

1 Serving Size: 8 Capsules
Amount Per1 serving1 Capsule%DV*
Astragalus4000 mg500 mg**
N Acetyl Cysteine1200 mg150 mg**
IP61000 mg125 mg**
Tudca500 mg62.5 mg**
Pine Bark Extract60 mg7.5 mg**
* Percentage of Daily Value per one full serving.
** Daily Value is not established.


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Trained By JP supplements provide high-quality, science-backed nutrition designed for serious athletes and bodybuilders to enchance performance, recovery, and muscle growth.

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