Loaded Creatine

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Loaded Creatine

Reach maximum potential!
This versatile formula enhances strength, power, and endurance leading to your best results.
Loaded Creatine
  • Promotes cellular hydration
  • Enhances energy and strength
  • Improves exercise performance

Experience the gold standard of creatine with this loaded formula designed to enhance energy, strength, and muscular endurance. It features Betaine Anhydrous, a versatile molecule that boosts the body’s creatine production, promotes cellular hydration, and improves overall exercise performance.

It also contains Magna Power, a unique compound combining creatine chelated to magnesium, offering increased creatine absorption and the essential electrolyte's performance benefits.

For maximum absorption, this formula includes Creatine HCL, ensuring you get the most out of your supplementation. Achieve peak performance with this advanced creatine blend.

RYSE - Loaded Creatine


Mix 1 scoop of loaded creatine with 10-12oz of water or your favorite beverage. For best results, consume daily on both training and non-training days with plenty of water.


Hoiustada jahedas kuivas kohas. Ärge ületage soovituslikku päevast annust.Ärge kasutage vaheldusrikka ja tasakaalustatud toitumise asemel. Hoidke väikelastele kättesaamatus kohas.

Ehkki teeme kõik endast oleneva, et tagada tooteteabe ajakohasus, lugege alati tootega kaasasolevaid silte, hoiatusi ja juhiseid. Kui kahtlete, võtke meiega ühendust või kontrollige tootja veebileht toote kohta lisateabe saamiseks.


Toitumise faktid

1 Serving Size: 1 Scoop (13.1g)
Amount Per1 serving%DV*
Carbohydrate1 g**
Calcium100 mg**
(from calcium phosphate citrate) (as Calci-K)
Phosphorous50 mg**
(from calcium phosphate citrate) (as Calci-K)
Magnesium120 mg**
Sodium95 mg**
Potassium90 mg**
(from calcium phosphate citrate) (as Calci-K)
Creatine Monohydrate4 g**
Betaine Anhydrous2.5 g**
Magnesium Creatine Chelate as MagnaPower1.5 g**
Creatine HCl750 mg**
Adenosine 5'Triphosphate Disodium as Peak ATP450 mg**
* Percentage of Daily Value per one full serving.
** Daily Value is not established.


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RYSE supplements offer premium nutrition and performance enhancement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

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