Creatine Monohydrate

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Creatine Monohydrate

Power for your muscle
Creatine monohydrate enhances muscle strength, boosts endurance, and improves overall workout performance for optimal fitness gains.
Creatine Monohydrate
  • Increases lean muscle mass
  • Improves strength and power
  • Reduces fatigue and enhances performance

Creatine monohydrate is a highly effective supplement known for its impressive benefits in enhancing physical performance. It increases lean muscle mass by promoting the growth and repair of muscle tissues, making it a favorite among athletes and bodybuilders. This powerful compound improves strength and power, allowing for more intense and effective workouts.

Additionally, creatine monohydrate may inhibit myostatin, a protein that limits muscle growth, thus supporting greater muscle development. It also helps reduce fatigue by replenishing ATP, the primary energy currency of cells, which enhances overall exercise performance and endurance. With creatine monohydrate, you can achieve optimal fitness gains and push your limits further.

RYSE - Creatine Monohydrate


Mix 1 scoop with 200 ml of water or any other beverage of your choice.


Hoiustada jahedas kuivas kohas. Ärge ületage soovituslikku päevast annust.Ärge kasutage vaheldusrikka ja tasakaalustatud toitumise asemel. Hoidke väikelastele kättesaamatus kohas.

Ehkki teeme kõik endast oleneva, et tagada tooteteabe ajakohasus, lugege alati tootega kaasasolevaid silte, hoiatusi ja juhiseid. Kui kahtlete, võtke meiega ühendust või kontrollige tootja veebileht toote kohta lisateabe saamiseks.


Toitumise faktid

1 Serving Size: 1 Scoop (5g)
Amount Per1 serving%DV*
Creatine Monohydrate5 g**
* Percentage of Daily Value per one full serving.
** Daily Value is not established.


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RYSE supplements offer premium nutrition and performance enhancement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

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