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For muscle maintenance
Essential amino acids support tissue growth and repair, as well as energy production and immune function.
  • Promotes immune function
  • Helps maintain muscle mass
  • Supports tissue growth and repair

EAA TST provides vital essential amino acids in the form of a delicious drink. Essential amino acids can’t be made by your body and must be obtained through diet. They support tissue growth, energy production, immune function and nutrient absorption.

EAA TST supplies your organism not only with 8 essential amino acids (L-leucine, L-valine, L-isoleucine, L-lysine, L-phenylalanine, L-threonine, L-methionine and L-tryptophan), but also also with L-cysteine and L-histidine.

Total Solution Technology (TST) ensures that these EAAs reach the blood pool in about 10 minutes after ingestion. There, they unfold their functionalities as building blocks of proteins that contribute to building and maintaining muscle mass.

Peak - EAA TST


Mix 2 scoops (14 grams) of EAA TST with 500 ml of water in a shaker or water bottle. Shake the EAA drink well and drink it just before, during and / or after exercise on an empty stomach.


Hoiustada jahedas kuivas kohas. Ärge ületage soovituslikku päevast annust.Ärge kasutage vaheldusrikka ja tasakaalustatud toitumise asemel. Hoidke väikelastele kättesaamatus kohas.

Ehkki teeme kõik endast oleneva, et tagada tooteteabe ajakohasus, lugege alati tootega kaasasolevaid silte, hoiatusi ja juhiseid. Kui kahtlete, võtke meiega ühendust või kontrollige tootja veebileht toote kohta lisateabe saamiseks.


Toitumise faktid

1 Serving Size: 14 g
Amount Per1 serving100 g%DV*
Niacin2.40 mg17.1 mg15%
Vitamin B60.21 mg1.5 mg15%
Vitamin B120.38 µg2.7 µg15%
L-Leucin2600 mg18571.3 mg**
L-Lysin1500 mg10714.2 mg**
L-Isoleucin1300 mg9285.6 mg**
L-Valin1300 mg9285.6 mg**
L-Phenylalanin1250 mg8928.5 mg**
L-Threonin750 mg5357.1 mg**
L-Methionin520 mg3714.3 mg**
L-Histidin500 mg3571.4 mg**
L-Tyrosin250 mg1785.7 mg**
L-Tryptophan250 mg1785.7 mg**
L-Cystein205 mg1464.3 mg**
* Percentage of Daily Value per one full serving.
** Daily Value is not established.
Ingredients / Other Ingredients: L-Leucin (18,8%), Säuerungsmittel (Citronensäure, Apfelsäure), L-Lysin-Hydrochlorid (13,4%), L-Isoleucin (9,4%), L-Valin (9,4%), L-Phenylalanin (9%), L-Threonin (5,4%), L-Histidin-Hydrochlorid (4,5%), L-Methionin (3,8%), Aroma, L-Tryptophan (1,8%), L-Tyrosin (1,8%), Säureregulator: Kaliumcitrat, L-Cystein (1,5%), Süßungsmittel (Sucralose, Acesulfam-K), Emulgator: SOJAlecithine, Farbstoff: Rote Bete Pulver, Nicotinamid, Pyridoxinhydrochlorid, Cyanocobalamin.
Info: Ingredients and their nutrition values are shown for product in Cherry flavor. Other flavors might have some differences.


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