
Liiguta hiirt, et pilti suurendada


Maximum strength diuretic
A unique diuretic formula that works rapidly to reduce bloating, shed excess water and support weight management.
  • Promotes rapid water loss
  • Supports fat loss
  • Increases muscle definition

Xpel is an extremely powerful herbal diuretic scientifically formulated to eliminate excess water retention. This unique formula works to reduce bloating and supports fat loss, making it the perfect diuretic.

To guard against cramping, Xpel supplies the proper balance of vital electrolytes like Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium to help maintain muscle performance and fullness. The formula also contains green tea and guarana extract to support fat burning as well as supply clean energy.

Xpel is perfect when you need to look your best and keep your confidence high – competing, preparing for a special event or occasion, or simply going to the beach.

MHP - Xpel


Take 4 capsules with 480 ml of water twice daily ‒ once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.


Hoiustada jahedas kuivas kohas. Ärge ületage soovituslikku päevast annust.Ärge kasutage vaheldusrikka ja tasakaalustatud toitumise asemel. Hoidke väikelastele kättesaamatus kohas.

Ehkki teeme kõik endast oleneva, et tagada tooteteabe ajakohasus, lugege alati tootega kaasasolevaid silte, hoiatusi ja juhiseid. Kui kahtlete, võtke meiega ühendust või kontrollige tootja veebileht toote kohta lisateabe saamiseks.


Toitumise faktid

1 Serving Size: 4 Capsules
Amount Per1 serving%DV*
Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxine HCI1 mg59%
Calcium200 mg15%
Magnesium100 mg24%
Potassium90 mg2%
Advanced Herbal Diuretic Matrix1200 mg**
Herbal blend ​(uva ursi leaf ​(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)‌, juniper berry (Juniperus communis)‌, dandelion 10:1 root extract ​(Taraxacum officinale)‌, horsetail aerial parts extract ​(Equisetum arvense)‌, hydrangea root ​(Hydrangea arborescens)‌, buchu leaf ​(Barosma betulina)‌, couch grass rhizome ​(Agropyron repens)‌, cornsilk stylus ​(Zea mays))
Muscle Performance Electrolytes986 mg**
Calcium Carbonate‌, Potassium Citrate‌, Magnesium Oxide‌, and Calcium Gluconate
Slimming & Energy Boosting Complex120 mg**
Green Tea leaf extract and Guarana Seed Extract (providing 75 mg caffeine)
* Percentage of Daily Value per one full serving.
** Daily Value is not established.
Ingredients / Other Ingredients: Capsule (Hypromellose), Ammonium Chloride, Microcrystaline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate and Silica.


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